Monday 9 October 2017

Conspiracy theorists excited as JFK assassination files due for release


It’s 2017, and conspiracy theorists around the world are eagerly awaiting the release of thousands of never seen before government documents related to the assassination of president John F. Kennedy. Due out in late October, the new material will no doubt reignite interest in the JFK assassination and it is likely that a host of new conspiracy theories will come to light as a result.

Ironically, author Jim Marrs, who wrote the bestselling book Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, sadly passed in August, and will be unable to add to this discussion. But of course like all good conspiracy theorists, Marrs is now at the centre of one. His death is one of several recent prominent conspiracy theorists, who are now the subject of intrigue, machination and conspiracy.
Marr consistently backed the theory that there wasn’t just a lone gunman involved in the shooting and claimed that Kennedy was murdered by high ranking officials and businessmen – who all wanted to see the president dead because they didn’t like his policies.

Seeing is believing

Conspiracies also frequently emerge during times of fear and uncertainty – such as disasters, financial crisis, deaths. This suggests that conspiracy theories provide a sense of individual control by enabling people to make sense of the world.

Although belief in conspiracy theories is often criticised, many are widely endorsed, and even accepted by the general population. These theories can then go on to influence perceptions of important contemporary and historical events – as seen with the moon landings and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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