Friday 13 October 2017

Trump says he has decided to decertify Iran nuclear deal


US President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the deal.

"Based on the factual record I have put forward, I am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification," Trump said at a White House event as he unveiled a tougher strategy against Tehran.

Trump's move does not pull the United States out of the agreement, formally known as the JCPOA.

While Trump did not pull the United States out of the agreement, aimed at preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, he gave the US Congress 60 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on Tehran that were lifted under the pact.

That would increase tension with Iran as well as put Washington at odds with other signatories of the accord such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union.

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