Tuesday 10 October 2017

Trump to roll out Iran nuclear deal strategy soon: White House

President Donald Trump. Photo: PTI

The White House has said US President Donald Trump will make an announcement later this week on an overall Iran strategy.

"He'll make that later this week," said White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders here on Tuesday at the daily briefing, Xinhua news agency reported.
"The President has reached a decision on an overall Iran strategy. He wants to make sure that we have a broad policy to deal with that, not just one part of it," Sanders added.

Multiple media reports had earlier said Trump was expected to announce soon that he will "decertify" the landmark Iran nuclear deal, a move that could lead to the potential collapse of the agreement.

The nuclear deal was reached between Iran and the world six powers of Britain, China, France, Russia and the US plus Germany in July 2015.

The deal, officially known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, has helped defuse the Iran nuclear crisis and bolstered the international non-proliferation regime.

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