Wednesday 30 May 2018

India-Indonesia ties: First interfaith dialogue to be held in October

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi flies kites with Indonesian President Joko Widodo during the India-Indonesia Kite Exhibition, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, May 30, 2018.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Joko Widodo on Wednesday agreed to organise an interfaith dialogue in Indonesia in early October 2018, which will be followed by a similar dialogue in India next year to promote pluralism and eradicate radicalism.

The two leaders shared the view on the imperative need to eradicate radicalism and reiterated the importance of promoting peaceful pluralism that would lead to true civilisation harmony, and moderation through a holistic approach, said a joint statement issued after their meeting.

"Interfaith dialogue is a reflection of the united commitment of both countries to explore a new understanding on the rise of religious identities, the dynamic of pluralism and to eradicate radicalism, terrorism, and violent extremism," it added.

Indonesia and India have pursued the ideals of pluralism, tolerance, rule of law and values of peaceful co-existence, the statement said.

"Thus, both leaders agreed to organise an interfaith dialogue in Indonesia in early October 2018, which will be followed by a similar dialogue in India next year," it added.

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