Tuesday 27 February 2018

Pak govt made enormous sacrifices for counter terrorism: China

China, Saudi Arabia, China-Saudi, China Flag, Saudi Flag

China today said global community should shed bias and take an "objective" look at Pakistan's efforts on counter terrorism, days after it backed out from supporting its all weather ally at the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) meeting which placed Islamabad on terrorist financing watch list.
The 37-nation FATF at its plenary meeting in Paris last week placed Pakistan on a watch list of the countries where terrorist outfits are still allowed to raise funds.
Though Pakistan has not been named, it has to submit the action plan to implement UN Security Council resolutions on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism by April, failing which it would figure in the list.
"Pakistan government and people have made enormous sacrifices for counter terrorism," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a media briefing here today.
China which earlier opposed the move along with Saudi Arabia and Turkey later backed out after Riyadh under pressure from the US withdrew its opposition in view of the rule that at least support of three members was required to stall the resolution against Pakistan.

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