Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Trump says he would've ran inside Florida school even without weapon


US President Donald Trump today said he would have entered the Florida school to save the students from a gunman even without a weapon as he criticised the inaction of a sheriff's deputy assigned to the school.
Last week, Trump called out the armed school resource officer who stayed outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as the shooting unfolded, saying he "didn't have the courage."
Addressing a gathering of US governors at the White House, Trump said, "You know, I really believe -- you don't know until you test it -- but I really believe I'd run in there, even if I didn't had a weapon.
"I think most of the people in this room would have done that, too, because I know most of you. But the way they performed was really a disgrace," he said, criticising the armed sheriffs deputy who did not confront the shooter, an expelled student, at the school early this month who killed 17 people, mostly students.

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