Wednesday 11 April 2018

Chinese solar power illuminates govt administrative building, Nepal's PMO

Karnataka solar power park

Making further inroads into Nepal, China has set up a solar power generating system which is now illuminating the famous Singha Durbar - the government's main administrative building complex which also houses the Prime Minister's Office.

China had in January donated over 32,000 solar power generating systems to Nepal to enhance its domestic capacity and to provide electricity to communities, who had been without power since the devastating 2015 earthquake.

Under the China-aided Solar Photovoltaic Project, solar panels have been installed on the roof of 21 buildings of the Singha Durbar which included the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy, among others.

The project, which started in November 2016, was completed in 14-months time.

One megawatt electricity generated through solar panels have started illuminating the central administrative offices from yesterday, officials said today.

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