Sunday 8 April 2018

Need to focus on Facebook privacy, says Senator before Zuckerberg hearings


A Congressional critic of Facebook Inc. said lawmakers may need to consider regulating the social media giant, ahead of two days of high-profile congressional testimony by founder and Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg.

Meanwhile, Christopher Wylie, the former employee of Cambridge Analytica who blew the whistle on a data-privacy scandal involving the analytics firm’s role in the 2016 presidential election, said some of the information improperly harvested from tens of millions of Facebook users might be stored in Russia.

Zuckerberg will testify Tuesday and Wednesday before congressional panels investigating the mishandling of its data and other revelations about the social-media giant. On Friday, as the company worked to manage the crisis, Zuckerberg said he supports proposed legislation that would require disclosure of who’s paying for political ads on social media networks.

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