Thursday 5 April 2018

Russian spy's daughter poisoned in UK says she is getting better

Yulia Skripal

The daughter of a former Russian spy, who was found slumped on a park bench in Salisbury last month alongside her father after being poisoned by a nerve agent, today said she was getting better after her ordeal.

Yulia Skripal, who gained consciousness last week and is still in a hospital, described the whole experience as "disorientating".

The 33-year-old thanked the people of the city in south-west England, who helped her and her father, Sergei Skripal, when they were "incapacitated" as well as the staff of Salisbury District Hospital for their "care and professionalism".

"I woke up over a week ago now and am glad to say my strength is growing daily. I am grateful for the interest in me and for the many messages of goodwill that I have received," she said in a statement issued by Scotland Yard on her behalf.

"I am sure you appreciate that the entire episode is somewhat disorientating, and I hope that you will respect my privacy and that of my family during the period of my convalescence," she said.

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