Thursday 12 April 2018

Trump orders review of postal service after accusing Amazon of causing loss


President Donald Trump ordered the creation of a task force to review business practices at the United States Postal Service, a move that could affect one of the president’s favorite. corporate targets: Inc.

“The USPS is on an unsustainable financial path and must be restructured to prevent a taxpayer-funded bailout,’’ according to an order from the president on Thursday night. The order calls for an examination of the Postal Service’s pricing, policies and workforce costs.

The Postal Service has lost more than $65 billion in the last decade as more Americans have used online services to transmit messages, according to the executive order. The task force will be chaired by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin or his designee, according to the order.

In a series of Twitter messages, Trump has accused Amazon of draining the Postal Service of money it cannot afford to lose.

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