Monday 21 May 2018

As Zuckerberg heads to Brussels, UK lawmakers ask for answers in FB probe

Mark Zuckerberg at Congressional hearing

British lawmakers want their European counterparts to quiz Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about a scandal over improper use of millions of Facebook users’ data, as he will not give evidence in London himself.

Zuckerberg will be in Europe to defend the company after alleged misuse of its data by Cambridge Analytica, a British political consultancy that worked on U.S. President Donald Trump’s election campaign.

But while he will answer questions from lawmakers in Brussels on Tuesday, and is meeting French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday, he has so far declined to answer questions from British lawmakers, either in person or via video link.

Committee chair Damian Collins wrote to Facebook again yesterday, expressing disappointment at its "lack of transparency" in dealing with his investigation into fake news.

He shared his letter with European lawmakers so they could question him about what Facebook knew about political consultancy Cambridge Analytica's harvesting of Facebook users' data.

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