Addressing election rallies in the state, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday accused the Congress of being obsessed with the "politics of dynasty" and dared Congress President Rahul Gandhi to speak for 15 minutes on the achievements of the Siddaramaiah government without a piece of paper.
"For the Congress, it has always been about family politics But for us (BJP), it is about people's politics. People of the state will decide which kind of politics they will choose (in the upcoming election)," Modi said.
He also charged the Congress with blocking development and blamed it for political violence that led to the death of several members of the RSS and BJP cadre in the state.
"Where there is Congress, all roads that lead to development are blocked. There is only family politics, corruption and lack of harmony," he said.
Hours later, Siddaramaiah took to Twitter to respond to all the allegations made by the prime minister. In a series of tweets, Siddaramaiah accused Modi of lying for political gains and challenged him for a debate on Karnataka's crime rate.
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