Wednesday 18 July 2018

Trump turns tough on home turf, holds Putin responsible for poll meddling

Putin Trump

US President Donald Trump on Thursday said that he holds his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin personally responsible for the alleged meddling into the 2016 general elections. On Monday, Trump met Putin in Helsinki, Finland, where he said that he had raised the issue of Russian meddling into the US presidential elections. "I have said that numerous times before, and I would say that is true, yeah," Trump told CBS news when asked if he agrees with the US intelligence assessment that Russia meddled in the 2016 elections. "But you haven't condemned Putin, specifically. Do you hold him personally responsible?" he was asked. "Well, I would, because he's in charge of the country. Just like I consider myself to be responsible for things that happen in this country. So certainly as the leader of a country you would have to hold him responsible," Trump said.

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