Tuesday 27 June 2017

Watch: PM Modi's interaction with Dutch-Indians in Haque

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Following delegation-level talks headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte, India and the Netherlands on Tuesday reaffirmed their commitment to combat terrorism and prevent radicalisation that could lead to violent extremism and called for a collective effort by the international community against this scourge.

"Expressing concern about the serious and grave threat posed by the spread of terrorism and violent extremism to both countries and the world, the Prime Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to combat terrorism and prevent radicalisation that could lead to violent extremism and reiterated the need for a unified and collective effort by the international community to eliminate terrorism through a holistic approach," a joint communique stated.

It said both Modi and Rutte stressed that there can be no justification for acts of terror on any grounds whatsoever and agreed that there should be zero-tolerance on terrorism.

Like several other European nations, the Netherlands has also been a target of terrorism.

"They affirmed that the fight against terrorism should not only seek to disrupt and bring to justice terrorists, terror organisations and networks, but should also identify, hold accountable and take strong measures against all those who encourage, support and finance terrorism, provide sanctuary to terrorists and terror groups, and falsely extol their virtues," the statement said.

In what can be seen as a veiled reference to Pakistan, it said "both leaders strongly condemned the use of double standards in addressing the menace of terrorism and agreed to strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism both at the bilateral level and within the multilateral system".

The two Prime Ministers also called for early conclusion of negotiations on the India-initiated Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.

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