Friday 15 December 2017

Clashes in West Bank over Donald Trump's Jerusalem move


Clashes broke out on Friday between Palestinians and Israeli forces in several West Bank locations during protests over US President Donald Trump's decision of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

The violence occurred after scores of Palestinians performed Friday prayers at the Israeli military checkpoint of Qalandia, north of the West Bank between Ramallah and Jerusalem.

The Israeli soldiers at the checkpoint threw teargas bombs and opened fire at the worshippers in an attempt to disperse them after prayers, Xinhua news agency reported.

Similar clashes were also reported in several locations including Ramallah, Hebron, Qalqilia and Bethlehem.

Palestinians threw rocks at Israeli security forces in Bethlehem as hundreds demonstrated outside the Al-Aqsa mosque, CNN reported.

Metal security barriers were erected around the Damascus Gate entrance to Jerusalem's Old City, a flashpoint for protests, and extra police officers were deployed to control crowds.

In Gaza, hundreds marched after the prayers on the Salah Al-Dein highway, which goes from the northern borders of the Gaza Strip towards the southern borders with Egypt.

Islamic Hamas movement leaders in Gaza called on supporters to head towards the bordering area and confront the Israeli soldiers stationed there.

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