Wednesday 24 January 2018

58% banks report rise in bad loans in July-December period, reveals Survey

Banks, India banks

The percentage of banks reporting a rise in non performing assets (NPAs) in July-December last year has reduced significantly, indicating stability in credit environment, according to a report.

The latest round of the Ficci-IBA survey drew responses from 19 public sector, private and foreign banks representing 59 per cent of the banking industry by asset size.

According to the survey, 58 per cent of the respondent banks reported a rise in NPAs, significantly lower than 80 per cent in the previous round. Infrastructure, metals and engineering goods were key contributors to the bad debt.

However, only 28 per cent banks reported a rise in the number of requests for the restructuring of loans as compared to 40 per cent in the previous round.

For the forthcoming Union Budget, the banks demanded full tax deduction on the NPA provisioning; reduction in corporate tax rate; and accelerated investments in infrastructure sector.

"Most of the responding banks have suggested reduction in corporate tax rate from 30 per cent to 25 per cent, lowering of MAT rate to 15 per cent and enhancing tax deductions and exemptions for individuals. This should boost credit demand at both corporate and retail level," said Ficci on the report.

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