Wednesday 14 February 2018

Netanyahu faces corruption and breach of trust charges, refuses to quit

Netanyahu speaking at the event. Photo: Twitter

In a setback to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli police have recommended his indictment in two case of alleged corruption and breach of trust even as the beleaguered leader remained defiant and refused to step down.
After a 14-month-long investigation, police announced yesterday that it found enough evidence to recommend the states prosecution to indict 68-year-old Netanyahu.

Netanyahu, the two time premier, faces prosecution in two corruption cases: a gifts-for-favors affair known as Case 1000, and a second scandal, called Case 2000, in which he is suspected of back-room dealings with Arnon Mozes, publisher of the popular newspaper Yediot Aharonot, to ensure more favourable coverage, Jerusalem Post reported.

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