Monday 19 March 2018

Trump may exclude a country from trade tariffs, but with these five riders

Alex Lighthizer

The Trump administration is pressing countries to ally with the US in pushing back against Chinese trade policies in exchange for relief from American tariffs on steel and aluminium, according to a European official.
US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer has been leading negotiations under which countries may be excluded from the tariffs of 25 per cent on imported steel and 10 per cent on aluminium. American trading partners and US companies are pressing for exemptions and exclusions from the tariffs, which take effect on Friday.

In talks with the US, Lighthizer has laid out five conditions that countries must address before being excluded, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The information was also contained in an internal European Commission document seen by Bloomberg. A second non-US official confirmed the broad outlines of the five conditions.

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