Tuesday 8 August 2017

Al Gore mocks Trump, says 'ethical reasons' could end presidency early

Donald Trump, US, Stetson hat

Former US Vice President Al Gore suggested on Tuesday that the presidency of Donald Trump could end prematurely for "ethical reasons," drawing laughter from a packed movie theatre at the European premiere of his latest film on climate change.

"We’re only six months into the experiment with Trump. Some experiments are ended early for ethical reasons," Gore said, acknowledging the "provocative" nature of his comment.

Gore said he was convinced that US cities, states and business executives would meet US obligations under the 2015 Paris agreement to fight climate change, despite Trump's decision in June to withdraw from the global pact.

"We have a global agreement and the American people are part of this agreement in spite of Donald Trump," he told hundreds of moviegoers at Berlin's Zoo Palast cinema after a showing of his new film, "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power."

"We can win this ... All we need is the political will," he said, adding his hope that the United States would "soon once again" have a leader who was committed to halting global warming.

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