Wednesday 9 August 2017

Anti-diversity memo: 60 women to file lawsuit against Google over pay gap


Days after an anti-diversity 'manifesto' went viral inside Google and infuriated thousands of its employees, over 60 current and former Google employees are now considering suing the company for sexism and pay disparities against women.

According to a report in The Guardian on Tuesday, civil rights attorney James Finberg is working on bringing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the female employees who believe they have earned less than men at Google despite equal qualifications and comparable positions.

Others have alleged that the culture at Google is hostile to women and hampers their chances to advance their careers at the company.

"Sixty people is a really small sample size. There are always going to be differences in salary based on location, role and performance, but the process is blind to gender," the report quoted a Google spokesperson as saying.

A leak from Google over an anti-diversity manifesto, written by a Google engineer, last week suggested that the company should halt initiatives aimed at increasing gender and racial diversity within the company and instead focus on "ideological diversity".

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