Sunday 13 August 2017

Charlottesville violence: Hundreds rally against white supremacists in LA

Hundreds rally in Los Angeles against white supremacists

Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets in downtown Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon, protesting white supremacists violence in Virginia the day before.

Holding black placards with slogans like "White Silence White Consent", the demonstrators gathered outside city hall to condemn racism and violent incidents occurred in Charlottesville on Saturday, Xinhua reported.

The violent incidents that occurred in Charlottesville claimed the lives of three people while around twenty were injured.

The rally was launched by Refuse Fascism Organisation, a New York-based activist group who has dozens of offices all around the country.

Michael, a young African-American girl of the organisation, delivered a speech on stairs to the front door of city hall, calling on people to take action fighting against KKK and fascism in the US.

"We are standing against fascism, we are standing with people all of the world, we should give our hands to ourselves," Michael said.

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