Thursday 23 November 2017

Hafiz Saeed walks free, vows to gather Pakistanis for Kashmir's freedom

hafiz, pakistan, hafiz saeed

Mumbai attack mastermind and Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed today walked from house arrest as a free man and moments after the release he said he will gather people across Pakistan for the "cause of Kashmir" and help the Kashmiris secure "freedom".

The JuD head, who carries a bounty of $10 million announced by the US for his role in terror activities, was set free after the Pakistan government decided against detaining him further in any case. He has been under detention since January this year.

"I was detained for 10 months only to stop my voice for Kashmir," Saeed told his supporters who gathered outside his residence to celebrate his release.

The Judicial Review Board of Punjab province comprising judges of the Lahore High Court (LHC) yesterday unanimously ordered Saeed's release on the completion of his 30-day house arrest which expired tonight.

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