Tuesday 21 November 2017

US telecom regulator looks to end Obama-era net neutrality rules

Regulator chains Free Basics

The top US telecom regulator unveiled a formal plan on Tuesday to roll back the "net neutrality" rules adopted in 2015 aimed at treating all online traffic equally.

The announcement by Federal Communications chairman Ajit Pai marked the latest twist in a decade-old political dispute with both sides claiming to represent a "free and open" internet.

Pai unveiled a "Restoring Internet Freedom" order to be voted on at the FCC's December 14 meeting, scrapping a hotly contest rule which barred broadband firms from shutting out rival services or creating online "fast" and "slow" lanes.

Pai said his plan would return to a "light-touch regulatory approach" which has allowed the internet to flourish.

He said the 2015 rule had "depressed investment in building and expanding broadband networks and deterred innovation."

"Today, I have shared with my colleagues a draft order that would abandon this failed approach and return to the longstanding consensus that served consumers well for decades," Pai said in a statement.

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