Tuesday 28 November 2017

Indian-American lawmakers, activists attack Ajit Pai on net neutrality

Ajit Pai

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai has come under a blistering attack of several Indian-American lawmakers for his proposal to repeal the Obama-era net neutrality policy.

Pai is facing backlash for his proposal which seeks to reverse Obama-era net neutrality, which meant that all websites are treated equally by Internet providers.

The activists also protested outside Pai's home in Virginia with signs directing at his children.

Pai, 44, blasted the activists for "harassing" his family members, saying they "crossed the line".

He is facing backlash from his opponents for his proposal which seeks to reverse Obama era's net neutrality, which meant that all websites are treated equally by Internet providers.

His proposal would end net neutrality and give big Internet providers like Comcast and Verizon broad powers to determine what website should reach out to subscribers faster than others.

The activists not only staged protest outside Pai's home with signs directing at his children, they also reportedly sent pizzas to his home every half-and-hour. Some media reports said the frequency was every 15 minutes.

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