Thursday 8 March 2018

Flush with cash, Nissan may get chance to dent France's grip on partnership

renault nissan, renault, nissan

After years of opposing France's influence on its partnership with Renault SA, Nissan Motor Co may finally have a chance to deepen ties with its French counterpart if the government agrees to sell its 15 percent stake in Renault.

The carmakers are in talks with government officials over proposals by Renault-Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn for Nissan to buy the bulk of France's equity stake in Renault, people close to the matter told Reuters on Wednesday.

That would see Paris give up influence at Renault and the French carmaker relinquish control over Nissan.

France sold a 4.73 percent stake in Renault late last year, paring back its holding after raising it to 20 percent in 2015, a move which triggered a power struggle with Ghosn.

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