Wednesday 7 March 2018

India bans Tibetans from holding New Delhi rally to improve ties with China

Dalai Lama, Tibetan spiritual leader

India has banned Tibetans from holding a rally with the Dalai Lama in New Delhi this month to mark the 60th anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule, officials said on Wednesday, as it tries to improve fraught ties with China.
Relations between China and India have been tense in recent months after their troops faced off on a disputed part of their border.

China was also angered by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s February visit to Arunachal Pradesh, also claimed by China.
Senior officials in the foreign and interior ministries said exiled Tibetans would not be allowed to hold a rally in the capital, but could do so in the northern town of Dharamsala, where a Tibetan government in exile is based.
“We don’t want Tibetans to hold big anti-China protests in New Delhi because it creates a bit of diplomatic tension between India and China,” said the senior foreign ministry official.

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