Wednesday 14 March 2018

United Airlines stuffs French bulldog in overhead bin; dies of suffocation

united airlines kills french bulldog

Think not twice, but umpteen times before you let your beloved dog fly, especially if you are flying United Airlines. On Monday evening, a dog was allegedly stuffed into an overhead compartment of a flight from Houston to New York’s LaGuardia Airport. According to reports, the dog barked and howled for two hours, but the flight attendant refused to release it and that resulted in the dog's death.
The French Bulldog was with his human family - a young girl, a toddler and mother.

According to a Twitter user, who witnessed the incident, the flight attendant forced the passenger to put the dog in the compartment.
"At the end of the flight journey, the woman found her dog dead. She sat in the aeroplane aisle on the floor crying, and all other passengers were utterly stunned."

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