Tuesday 19 June 2018

Trump faces backlash over family separation policy at US-Mexico border

Donald Trump, trump, united states

President Donald Trump on Tuesday came face to face with furious Democratic lawmakers who launched a loud and very rare US Capitol protest of the American leader over his controversial immigration policies. After huddling for 45 minutes with fellow Republicans to discuss immigration, Trump exited a meeting room only to be shouted at by a handful of House Democrats angry over the thousands of children who have been separated from their parents as they cross into the country. 

 "Quit separating the kids, they're separating the children!" congressman Juan Vargas, a Democrat from southern California, yelled to Trump, as he held up a sign that read "Families belong together." "Mr President, don't you have kids? Don't you have kids Mr President?" Vargas continued, as Trump waved and made his exit along with Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

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