Wednesday 27 June 2018

Walmart may face backlash in India; massive protests planned on July 2

Walmart Flipkart deal

In a recap of what happened more than a decade ago to global retail giant Walmart Inc. in India, as many as 700,000 traders, workers, farmers and political outfits might take to the streets in a nationwide protest on July 2, against the Walmart-Flipkart deal. Ever since and even before the deal was announced of Walmart spending over $16 billion for a 77 per cent stake in Flipkart, the road to the takeover of India’s biggest online marketplace has been quite bumpy. While back in Bentonville, Walmart's senior management immediately started feeling the heat of its decision to spend billions on a firm yet to make profits, trade bodies in India started filing one petition after another with almost all relevant agencies in the country. Organised by trade body Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT), the protest is likely to draw participation from the Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), a number of farmer rights bodies, and smaller trader unions. As many as 1,000 simultaneous protests are planned in which more than 700,000 people are likely to take part, CAIT said.

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