After Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, YouTube is bringing in 'Originals' for the Indian audience and has teamed up with music maestro AR Rahman for its first such show in the country. YouTube will showcase 'ARRived' -- its first original content from India in the coming weeks under an ad-supported model. While it offers 'Originals' in some countries under a subscription model, YouTube still hasn't decided on a date for launching its paid service in India yet. "Affordable data costs are driving video consumption in India, data usage is about 8 GB a month per subscriber. This has pushed online video consumption as well, which is now about 75 per cent of all mobile traffic as per industry reports," YouTube India Head of Entertainment Satya Raghavan said. YouTube has gained tremendously from this trend and reaches 245 million unique users per month with daily active viewer base growing at 100 per cent year-on-year, he added. Players like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video -- which operate on a subscription model -- have been investing millions of dollars on creating original content, including from India. Netflix, for example, recently showcased Sacred Games and Ghoul that were made in India. It is also lining up more originals from India, including content based on 'Bard of Blood' and Salman Rushdie's book Midnight's Children.
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