Thursday 7 June 2018

Trade war: France warns Donald Trump it won't sign a G-7 statement

Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau

France has joined Germany to warn President Donald Trump that it won’t sign a joint statement of the Group of 7 at the summit in Quebec this week, a French official in the president’s office said. President Emmanuel Macron has signaled that progress on tariffs, Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accord must be made before he’ll be willing to sign a joint statement, the official told reporters in Ottawa. 

The French president spent the day meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other Canadian officials ahead of the June 8-9 summit in La Malbaie, Quebec. Macron has concluded that the other members of the G7 — the UK, Germany, Japan, France, Italy and Canada — must stand up to the US over Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium from the EU, Canada and Mexico.

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